
I'm Timothee Mickus, a postdoc at the University of Helsinki; I was involved in the ERC-funded FoTran project led by Jörg Tiedemann, and am now part of his Uncertainty-aware neural language model funded by the Academy of Finland.

I did my PhD at ATILF, under the supervision of Mathieu Constant and Denis Paperno at Utrecht University. You can read the whole thing here. My PhD research topic was on distributional semantics and dictionaries: Do dictionary definitions depict meaning in the same way as neural networks-based word vectors? Can we come up with quantitative ways of measuring how similar these two theories are? This PhD was funded by the OLKi project. It received an award from the ATALA, the French scientific society for NLP.

I also hold a Masters in Computational Linguistics from the now-Université de Paris Computational Linguistics curriculum. My thesis was on distributional effects of grammatical gender contrasts on French human nouns, which you can read here.

what's new

Our SHROOM shared task on hallucination detection got an award at last year's SemEval! Thanks a lot to everyone who participated and helped organize this madness.

We're now organizing a follow-up. It's called MuSHROOM, since it's a multilingual SHROOM. I'm the co-lead organizer with Raúl Vázquez. More info available (and to appear) on the MuSHROOM task website.

what's old

Below are some of the projects I've been working on or have previously worked on. (Incidentally, it's also a gallery of all the random puns & logos I came up with.)